Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service

Pain and psychosocial

Promoting resilience after spinal cord injury (SCI)  

Resilience is essential for individuals adjusting to the profound changes and challenges that follow a spinal cord injur...

Primary Funding Pathways & Resources

(in alphabetical order) Companion Card  The Companion Card can help you with the costs of getting out and about with the...

Selecting Care Supports for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Choosing the right care supports is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition from inpatient settings to home and adaptin...

Recreation and Leisure Activities 

The Importance of Recreation and Leisure Activities After SCI  Engaging in recreational and leisure activities is vital ...

Understanding Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a profound event that can drastically alter an individual’s life, leading to significant c...

Friendship & Social Engagement

What is Friendship and Why is it Important?  Friendship is a voluntary and personal social relationship characterised by...

Creating a safe space 

Creating a safe space, both physically and emotionally, is essential for reducing stress and promoting well-being, espec...

Relaxation techniques 

Relaxation techniques offer a range of physical and emotional benefits, including:  Relaxation practices are access...

Sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene encompasses practices that promote better sleep quality and overall well-being, positively influencing moo...

Ageing with a spinal cord injury (SCI) 

Ageing is a natural process characterised by a gradual accumulation of physical, psychological, and social changes over ...