SPOT is the community branch of QSCIS. SPOT supports the person with a spinal cord injury (SCI), their family and friends, and their local health care and disability service providers with advice and information at any time after their rehabilitation.
Who are we?
We are a team of experienced nursing, medical, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and social work health professionals.
Can SPOT help anywhere in Queensland?
- Yes, SPOT provides a service to people wherever they live in Queensland.
- SPOT can be contacted by phone or email. Plus, we can videoconference.
- We can visit clients and service providers located within 200km of Brisbane, as needed.
- SPOT also makes trips each year to rural and regional areas in Queensland.
- We contact clients and service providers before each regional visit so people can let us know if they need an appointment.
How can SPOT help?
- We provide information and advice about equipment, support services, health issues, work and recreation, and many other aspects of life with SCI.
- You can contact us anytime after your SCI.
- We can phone, email, video-conference, teleconference or face-to-face visit you.
- We send service reminders to people for the first year following discharge from hospital to remind them to contact us for support with any issues that might arise.
- We support family and friends of people with a SCI.
- We educate and inform service providers about issues to consider when assisting people with a SCI.
- We provide information about current research being done around Australia and internationally and the impact this might have for people with spinal cord injuries.
Who can use the SPOT service?
- People with SCI who have been formally accepted as clients of QSCIS.
- Family and friends of people with SCI.
- Health professionals or service providers working with people with SCI.
Contact Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT)
3176 9507
1800 624 832 (free call for regional clients)
3176 9514
3rd Floor Buranda Plaza Cnr Ipswich Road and Cornwall Street Buranda QLD 4102 Australia
PO Box 6053 Buranda QLD 4102 Australia