
The SIU is a 40 bed unit located at the Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) and is the only specialist adult spinal injuries rehabilitation unit in Queensland.  Most people who have a spinal cord injury (SCI) need to come to the SIU in Brisbane for treatment and rehabilitation. We offer both medical and rehabilitation services. We are nearby all other acute medical services that are needed to successfully care for a person with a SCI.

If the person lives outside of Queensland or plans to relocate interstate or overseas, a transfer to the spinal injuries unit nearest to the person’s home will be arranged when they are well enough to travel.

Who are we?

The SIU is part of the Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service (QSCIS) which also includes QuickStart, Transitional Rehabilitation Program (TRP), Spinal Outreach Team (SPOT) and SIU Outpatients Department (SIU OPD).

We aim to individualise the rehabilitation program to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team consists of the person with a SCI, their family and:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers

Other support services and staff include:

  • Peer support program
  • Speech therapists
  • Orthotics and prosthetics
  • Dietary services
  • Leisure therapy
  • Sport and recreation 

The team will work with the person to become as independent as possible, using a goal based program, and prepare them for going home into the community.

Who can use our service?

People who are aged over 16 years, who are residents of Queensland and northern New South Wales and;

  • Have a traumatic SCI or
  • Have a medical condition which has resulted in a spinal cord impairment or
  • Have had a previous SCI who develop complications requiring specialist treatment

If the person lives outside of Queensland or plans to relocate interstate or overseas, a transfer to the nearest spinal injuries unit to the person’s home will be arranged when they are well enough to travel.

What we can help with:

Health and wellbeing
The team will assess, and problem solve any issues with the health and wellbeing of the person such as bladder, bowel, skincare, pain, respiratory health and muscle spasm. We will provide education and support on how to manage these health issues for when the person goes home.

Physical and daily living skills
We will support the person in practicing and developing skills they need to be independent in their daily life, such as mobility, self-care, household tasks and shopping.

Getting out and about in the community
We will review the skills and opportunities to practice community access to build confidence in preparation for going home. This may include returning to driving, using mobility aids or the ability to access public transport.

Exercise and early rehabilitation
Early rehabilitation will provide a progressive program to suit the needs of the person and this will be reviewed regularly. The program may include stretching, using splints, breathing exercises, getting out of bed, physical activity or hydrotherapy. This may require time in the gym, practicing the skills on the ward or working on tasks independently.

Equipment and supplies
The therapists will try different equipment, make sure it is set up correctly, and provide information about maintenance. They will order equipment prior to discharge.

Psychological and emotional needs
The team can talk through any concerns the person may be experiencing and offer support and counselling. They can also link with peer support services to allow the person to talk with someone who has lived experience of a SCI.

Home supports
The team will help link the person with personal support workers. They can also provide training and resources regarding specific health needs to family and personal support workers in preparation for going home.

Funding and support needs
The team will help navigate support needs such as linking with and understanding the NDIS, NIISQ or My Aged Care services.

Return to work
Assist with issues relating to returning to work and linking with Back2Work services.

Explore the ability of the person to get back into leisure interests.

What happens before when the person goes home?

In preparing the person to return home, they will be linked with our QSCIS community services:

The person will also be linked with other services and support in the community.

Contact SIU

Call PAH switch on 07 3176 2111. Ask for the admitting SIU Registrar.
After business hours ask for the on-call SIU consultant.

Call SIU ward on 07 3176 2737 and ask for either the clinical nurse consultant (CNC) or nurse unit manager (NUM).
After business hours ask for the nurse in charge of the shift.

Call SIU physiotherapy department on 07 3176 2089 and ask for the team leader.
After business hours please leave a message and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Social work:
Call PAH social work department on 07 3176 2610 and ask to be put through to the SIU social work team leader.
After business hours please leave a message and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Occupational therapy:
Call SIU occupational therapy department on 07 3176 2191 and ask to speak to an occupational therapist or leave a message and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Alternatively, email: Occupational_Therapy_PAH@health.qld.gov.au with the subject: Attention SIU team leader occupational therapy.

Call SIU psychology department on 07 3176 7796 and ask for the team leader.
Business hours only.

Nutrition and dietetics:
Call PAH nutrition and dietetics department on 07 3176 7938 and ask for the dietician working in SIU.
After hours please leave a message and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Speech pathology:
Call PAH speech pathology department on 07 3176 7425 and ask for the speech pathologist working in SIU.
After hours please leave a message and it will be reviewed as soon as possible.

Building 17, ground floor, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Ipswich Rd, Woolloongabba, QLD, 4102 Australia