Equipment and assistive technology
There are a variety of devices that can support bladder management. Below are some common examples of devices that are available. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
Leg positioning device
A leg positioning device may help people who have adductor spasticity and need assistance positioning the legs. These are generally suitable for females.
Penis holder
A penis holder can assist with positioning and holding the penis to clean and insert an intermittent catheter. It can be helpful when hand dexterity is impaired. It can also assist with preventing retraction during the procedure. There are different sizes available depending on girth.
Electric leg bag emptier
An electric bag emptier allows a person to independently drain their leg bag on demand. The leg bag is connected to the bag emptying device, which keeps the leg bag tubing kinked until the user wishes to release the tubing and drain the bag. There are two main types of electric bag emptying devices:
- A wireless emptier with an independent power source, which could be used with a manual wheelchair.
- An electric emptier which can connect to the battery on a power drive wheelchair.
Adaptive clothing
Adaptive clothing can make it easier to access a drainage bag for emptying or to perform intermittent catheterisation. Certain suppliers specialise in adaptive clothing. Existing clothing can also be modified in the following ways:
- Added openings along leg seams, to enable access to the tubing.
- Use of alternative fastenings, such as ‘hook and loop’ or snaps, which can prevent the need to remove clothing to attend to a catheter. Consider potential impacts on skin integrity prior to using alternative fastenings.
Adapted drainage bag tap
Minor adaptions to drain taps can facilitate independence with drainage bag emptying. Some options to consider are:
- Loops on the end of the drain tap for ease of opening.
- Extensions to the end of the drain tap to assist with directing urine into a vessel or away from the person.
- A ‘flip tap’ rather than a ‘push style’ tap.