Medial knee
Specific risks
The medial knee is at the greatest risk of injury with:
- side lying in bed
- contact between the knees in supine or sitting
- spasticity, contractures, or poor leg positioning
- wasting and muscle loss in the lower limbs increases bony prominences
- history of a lower limb fracture with altered leg positioning or bony prominence from the fracture site
- use of long leg plaster cast when managing a lower limb fracture
- These areas should be assessed by palpating for ‘boggy’, soft, or tender areas.

Management of breakdown
- Ensure offloading the bony prominence with pillows.
- Review and manage spasticity or tone.
- Review the range of movement of the lower limbs and options for positioning in lying or sitting.
- Consider options for fracture management to enable frequent skin checking of at-risk bony prominences. Consult the QSCIS team for advice.
Check out other pressure injury locations and learn how to manage them.