Skin care and car travel

Car travel is one of the most convenient modes of transport – but it can present pressure and skin injury risks for people with SCI. This section covers key considerations for minimising risks and keeping car journeys comfortable.

Pressure relief: For long car trips, redistribute pressure every 100km or at least every hour. Perform pressure lifts, leans or get out of the vehicle to change the position during the trip.

Cushion: A travel cushion can be used to minimise risk to the skin. Consider the cushion height and clearance from the car roof.

Posture: A different posture may be adopted for stability. The posterior pelvic tilt will increase pressure on the sacrum and coccyx.

Risk of burns: Sources of heat in the car can include:

  • the floor of the car
  • seats and cushions, including belt buckles that have been in the sun
  • heater vents

New or different vehicles: Transferring into a new or different vehicle – or even a different side of the car – can increase the risk of skin breakdown. A change in vehicle can change the placement of the wheelchair, height and distance of the transfer, creating unfamiliarity with the set-up and environment, such as seat positioning and foot well access.